Civil Rights
Civil Rights is that body of law, which deals with natural liberties, and more particularly, the invasion of those liberties – and the equal rights of others.
Ask The Lawyer Radio Show with Attorney Brian Figeroux
Ask the Lawyer with Brian Figeroux, Esq. You have questions, we have answers on Immigration & Matrimonial Law, Wills, Estate & Trusts, Civil Rights, Personal Injury, Bankruptcy, Taxation, Equity Smart, Landlord & Tenant, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability, Small Business Solutions, Non-Profits, Deed Transfers and Real Estate Transactions. We bring you the latest updates on the law and community issues.

Civil Rights
If you believe you have been the victim of a civil rights violation, you most likely have the option of filing a lawsuit against those responsible for any harm suffered as a result. The following are a few things to consider before filing a lawsuit for a civil rights violation: Civil rights focuses on an individual’s civil liberties. Civil liberties are personal, natural rights, guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. Examples include freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom from discrimination.
Civil rights is that body of law, which deals with natural liberties, and more particularly, the invasion of those liberties – and the equal rights of others. Constitutionally, they are restraints on government itself. Following the Civil War, and more recently in 1957 and 1964, federal statutes were enacted intended to implement and give further force to the basic personal rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. These laws prohibit discrimination based on race, sex, age, or religion.
Most states have also enacted statutes and laws which seek to protect civil liberties and fundamental rights of an individual. State statutes may afford greater protection than those afforded by the United States Constitution. Figeroux & Associates has a strong record representing individuals who have suffered the indignation of sexual discrimination, race discrimination, age discrimination and religious discrimination.
Likewise, Figeroux & Associates has a strong record of success representing individuals who are subjected to excessive force, including deadly force, by police and other law enforcement agencies, and whose rights to medical attention has been deprived by the government. At Figeroux & Associates, Mr. Figeroux has distinguished himself as a voice for those whose rights are ignored.
A Voice for Those Whose Rights Are Ignored
Brian Figeroux, Brooklyn, New York’s Civil Rights Champion
When the Declaration of Independence asserted a fundamental right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” it didn’t apply to slaves or even to free black men. It didn’t apply to women, and often didn’t apply to immigrants. Not until the civil rights legislation of the 1960’s, did the laws catch up with this vision of liberty and justice for all.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”— The Declaration of Independence
Reality has still not caught up with the law. Attorney Brian Figeroux, who came of age during the Abner Louima’s, landmark civil rights case in 1997, still finds himself busy addressing civil rights violations in 21st century America. Despite a long record of notable victories for clients stretching back over 15 years, he knows there is much work to be done.
A Civil Rights Lawsuit: The Chance to Be Heard
The Law Offices of Figeroux & Associates represents men and women of every race and every station in life. Our Brooklyn-based lawyers have represented citizens of the New York City area in the full spectrum of civil rights and constitutional law litigation:
1. Police misconduct including excessive force, deadly force, false arrest, illegal searches, racial profiling and jail abuse
2. Employment discrimination, including racial discrimination, sex discrimination and wrongful termination
3. Civil rights abuses of people with mental illnesses or mental impairments
4. Violations of the First Amendment (free speech), Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), Eighth Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment) or Fourteenth Amendment (due process and equal protection)
Helping Citizens Stand Up for Their Rights
Our clients are people who are unable to fight for themselves. For some, previous experience with the legal system has been painful or fruitless as a result they have no expectation of justice. For others, a criminal record, mental illness or addiction puts them at an automatic disadvantage when alleging police abuse or workplace discrimination.
At the Law Offices of Figeroux & Associates, our mission is to give everyone access to justice. Mr. Figeroux has numerous verdicts and settlements, but some of his most cherished victories have resulted in major advocacy for policy changes by police departments, government entities and employers.
Contact our Brooklyn law office today at 855-768-8845. We do not charge for an initial consultation, and in many cases we do not collect attorney fees unless we win compensation.
Practice Areas:
•Who can I Sue?
•Filing a Notice Claim – against a City, Town or Municipal Agency in New York
•A 50-h Hearing
•Suing The City of New York Library Resources to Support a Notice of Claim
•New York Wrongful Discharge
•Racial Discrimination
•Gender Discrimination
•Jail Neglect & Abuse
•Racial Profiling
•Police Misconduct
•Police Dogs
•False Arrest/Illegal Detention
•Excessive Use of Force by Police
•Deadly Force
Contact Us
New York, Civil Rights Attorneys
The NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices raise serious concerns over racial profiling, illegal stops and privacy rights. The Department’s own reports on its stop-and-frisk activity confirm what many people in communities of color across the city have long known: The police are stopping hundreds of thousands of law abiding New Yorkers every year, and the vast majority are black and Latino.
If you wish to file a claim against New York City for your Civil Rights violation, call our hotline at 855-768-8845.
Figeroux & Associates has achieved justice for victims of police misconduct, employment discrimination and other civil rights violations. Figeroux & Associates has also established a respected law practice also handles serious personal injury and wrongful death claims, criminal defense and child dependency claims.