Entries by NY Personal Injury Attorneys

Why Is OSHA Training Imperative For Construction Workers

The Occupational & Health Administration (OSHA) was created within the Department of Labor(DOL). OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and is responsible for worker safety and health protection. Since April 28th, 1971 when OSHA was founded, it has reduced workplace fatalities by 66%. Through the standards OSHA set, including training requirements and safety […]

Personal Injuries: By the Numbers

In the United States, about 60 percent of civil litigation trials are related to some form of personal injury, according to the most recent statistics from the United States Department of Justice. The DOJ also estimates that only four percent of personal injury cases actually go to court, meaning that the actual number of claims […]

What Should You Know About Workplace Accidents?

Even if your employer is precise in following OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) rules and regulations, certain environments are accident prone. Maybe the employer forgot to dry a wet floor or your harness was not secured properly on a scaffolding unit. Injuries are sometimes inevitable. According to the U.S Department of Labor, the most […]

The Medical Malpractice Epidemic–Does Your Doctor Have a Hand in It?

Before making an appointment or stepping into your doctor’s office, do you have a general understanding of who your doctor is and his or her true intentions? As a patient, you should have a general understanding of who your doctors are.  Patients expect that they are getting the best care possible from their doctors.  According […]

Social Security Disability and Personal Injury

A staggering 10.2 million people are on Social Security Disability, according to a recent report by the U.S. Office of Retirement and Disability Policy. The report states that musculoskeletal system and connective tissue issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and bone fractures are driving disabled workers and disabled widowers to receive benefits.   Starting […]