Understanding and Preventing Sexual Assault of Minors: A Guide for Parents and the Public

In a recent press release, Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, on August 22, 2024, announced that the coach and owner of a youth soccer camp in Marine Park has been sentenced to seven years in prison for sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl who attended the camp.

District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This defendant despicably and unconscionably exploited his position of trust to prey on a young child in his care. I hope today’s sentence brings some closure to the victim and her family. I remain steadfast in my commitment to protecting our children and bringing sexual predators to justice.”

The District Attorney identified the defendant as Stanislav Rozovsky, 52, of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Michael Kitsis sentenced him to seven years in prison and ten years of post-release supervision. The defendant was convicted of first-degree sexual abuse, endangering the welfare of a child, and second-degree unlawful imprisonment on July 3, 2024, following a jury trial. He must register as a sex offender upon release from prison.

The District Attorney said that, according to the investigation, on July 18, 2022, the defendant, then the coach and owner of a youth soccer camp in Marine Park, bought the 10-year-old victim ice cream and convinced her to enter his van. When the child grabbed the door handle to exit the vehicle, the defendant grabbed her wrist and pushed her back onto the seat. The defendant then fondled the victim’s chest, kissing her and telling her, “I love you.”

Troubling Issue

Sexual assault of minors is a deeply troubling issue that affects countless families and communities. It is a crime that carries severe legal repercussions and has lasting psychological impacts on the victims. As parents and members of the general public, understanding this issue is crucial for prevention and support. This article provides an overview of the legal consequences, psychological effects, and prevention strategies related to the sexual assault of minors.

Legal Repercussions

Sexual assault of minors is a serious criminal offense in all jurisdictions. The legal repercussions for perpetrators are severe, reflecting the gravity of the crime. Offenders can face lengthy prison sentences, registration as sex offenders, and long-term supervision after release. The legal system is designed to protect minors and ensure that those who commit these heinous acts are held accountable.

In addition to criminal penalties, there are also civil consequences. Victims and their families may pursue civil lawsuits against perpetrators and, in some cases, against institutions that failed to protect the child. These lawsuits can result in significant financial compensation for medical bills, therapy costs, and other damages.

Parents should know the legal avenues available if their child becomes a victim. Reporting the crime to law enforcement is the first step in seeking justice. It’s important to work with legal professionals who specialize in these cases to navigate the complex legal landscape.


Psychological Impact

The psychological impact of sexual assault on minors is profound and can be long-lasting. Children who experience sexual abuse often suffer from a range of emotional and psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and difficulties with trust and relationships. The trauma can also manifest in physical symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and unexplained aches and pains.

It’s crucial for parents to recognize the signs of trauma in their children. Behavioral changes, withdrawal from social activities, sudden mood swings, and academic decline can all be indicators that a child is struggling with the aftermath of an assault. Early intervention is critical. Psychological support from a trained therapist who specializes in trauma can help children process their experiences and begin the healing journey.

Prevention Methods

Preventing sexual assault of minors requires a proactive approach. Parents play a vital role in educating their children about boundaries, consent, and what constitutes inappropriate behavior. Open and ongoing conversations about these topics can empower children to recognize and report uncomfortable situations.

In addition to education, parents should be vigilant about who has access to their children. This includes carefully vetting babysitters, coaches, and other adults in supervisory roles. It’s also important to encourage a culture of transparency where children feel safe discussing any concerns they have with trusted adults.

Communities and schools also have a role in prevention. Implementing programs that teach children about personal safety and providing training for staff to recognize and respond to signs of abuse can create a safer environment for all children.


The sexual assault of minors is a complex issue with serious legal and psychological ramifications. For parents and the general public, understanding these aspects is crucial for prevention and support. By staying informed, vigilant, and supportive, we can work together to protect our children and ensure they receive the justice and care they deserve.

This article has aimed to provide an informative and empathetic overview, empowering parents and community members to take action and create safer environments for our children. For legal guidance, please call the Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates at 855-768-8845 or visit www.askthelawyer.us to schedule a consultation.

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